No matter where you live, you can easily set up online supervision sessions with us to reach your musical, educational & career goals. It is of course also possible to set up personal supervision sessions with our artists in person.
The personal online supervision sessions will be held between you and your desired artist via Skype or Zoom. In addition you will also be provided with all the needed material such as recordings from your supervisor and you will also have the possibility to send back your work for a better progress.
The fees for the artistic supervision depend on the concrete type of the supervision you intend to have and also other parameters such as duration, number, appointments and other technical details. Therefore please understand that it is not possible to state general fees for our supervision. Please don't hesitate to contact us about your request. We would be happy to send you an offer for your desired artistic supervision.
Regarding the payment we can offer you different convenient payment methods. It is possible to pay the fees as well as with your credit card via our STRIPE account or via our PayPal account. It is also possible to transfer the money directly to our bank account if you live in the EU. For recurring payments (supervisions at regular intervals) we can also arrange an automatic payment method via STRIPE or PayPal.
If you have any further questions about our artistic supervision you can view the FAQ page or click on the link below to get in touch with our supervisors. They will contact you to set up an appointment for a free online session to get to know you and to answer all of your questions.
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